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Burger King releasing a 'black burger' in Japan with bamboo charcoal cheese and squid ink ketchup

Only in Japan.

OVER THE PAST few months, we have borne witness to the rise of tofu McNuggets and spicy banana pizzas.

Now, Burger King Japan has upped the ante and introduced ‘black burgers’ to its menus. What is a black burger, you ask? It’s a regular burger coloured with bamboo charcoal, and topped off with ketchup infused with squid ink.

blackburgers Source: Burger King Japan

Burger King initially introduced the burger to its menu last year, giving just the bread and ketchup a noir hue. However, customers liked it so much that they have now added it to the cheese.

Because what’s more appetising than blackened cheese?

The Kuro Pearl and Kuro Diamond (kuro being Japanese for “black”) will be available from September 19th.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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